Common Types of Cyber Attacks & How To Prevent Them In Your Business

man upset in front of computer that shows system hacked message

Nowadays, more and more businesses are operating online, and with that comes a whole slew of potential risks.

Most notably: cyber attacks.

When you operate a medical clinic, for example, it is imperative that you protect sensitive information to avoid lawsuits.

In fact, every business should ensure that they are protected from damages such as data loss and system compromises.

Even though cyberattacks seem to be all over the news and on the rise, you can protect your business by learning more about them and implementing security measures.

What is a Cybersecurity Attack?

A cybersecurity attack is a tactic used by cybercriminals in which single or multiple computers and networks are used to disable systems, steal information, or breach a computer in order to launch more attacks.

Cybercriminals use various methods, including malware, ransomware, phishing, and denial of service.

Some examples of cybersecurity attacks include:

  • Identity theft
  • Fraud
  • Extortion
  • Password sniffing
  • System infiltration
  • Website defacement
  • Instant messaging abuse
  • Intellectual Property (IP) theft

Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks 

Data Breach Security Confidential Cybercrime Concept


Malware refers to malicious software that is used to breach networks via a vulnerability. This typically occurs when a user clicks a link or email attachment that installs risky software.

These types of software include spyware, ransomware, viruses, and worms that can allow cybercriminals access to systems or destroy data.


This common type of cyber attack involves sending fraudulent communications, usually through email, that seem to come from a trusted and reputable source.

However, these phishing attacks can install malware onto a computer and steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers and login credentials.


A denial-of-service attack works by filling networks, servers, and systems with traffic to exhaust sources and bandwidth.

The system is then unable to fulfill its requests and can eventually crash.

How Can My Business Prevent an Attack?

Your business can prevent an attack by implementing certain security measures to protect your systems, servers, and networks.

Here are the best ways you can protect your business from a cyber attack:

Back-Up Your Data

This cost-effective method of protecting your business from cyberattacks ensures that your information can be recovered should you experience data loss.

You should use multiple backup methods, such as a portable device, and cloud service, on a daily, weekly, quarterly, and yearly basis to ensure data safety.

Activate Data Encryption

For businesses that deal with sensitive information, such as accountants, it’s essential that you encrypt your data into a secret code. This way, if someone does attack your business, the information will be useless.

Turn on network and data encryption when storing and sharing information. This way, only those with the encryption key can access this information.

Keep Your Software and Systems Updated

Any systems or software you use in your business should be updated regularly. These updates will fix any security flaws and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals.

You should also set up firewalls and other security software to protect incoming and outgoing information.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

You can provide your business with additional cybersecurity by implementing two-factor or multi-factor authentication on accounts such as social media accounts, banking accounts, and email accounts.

This additional security step ensures that your accounts are protected.

Use Passphrases Instead of Passwords

For accounts that hold important and sensitive information, such as those used by professional services, you should use passphrases instead of passwords.

While passwords usually contain a word, a number, and a symbol, passphrases are more complex, harder to figure out, and just as easy to remember.

Secure passphrases should contain at least 14 characters and include a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as special characters.

Create Security Policies

To ensure that the individuals working for your company do their part to protect your business from attacks, create clear and concise security policies.

These policies should outline what is acceptable when sharing data, using computers and other devices, and accessing the internet.

What Can Individuals Do To Prevent Security Issues?

There are many things individuals can do to prevent security issues, such as:

  • Limiting the amount and type of information they share online.
  • Create strong passphrases and change them regularly (and never share them with anyone).
  • Learn how to recognize suspicious activity, such as offers that seem too good to be true, requests for personal information, and links from people they don’t know.
  • Use a secure internet connection and Wi-Fi network.
  • Use anti-virus and anti-malware as well as firewalls to block threats.

If you suspect that you or your employees have been victims of a cyberattack, change your passwords immediately, check your bank statements, and run a security scan on your system.

Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks!

By implementing the right security protocols, you can ensure that your business is protected from cyber-attacks.

However, no strategy is perfect, so it’s essential that you further protect your business with the right type of insurance.

Arc Insurance offers a comprehensive cybersecurity insurance package to meet your business’s unique needs!

Let’s get started today! Contact our team for more information.