Our insurance brokers offer fast and caring claims service, 24 hours a day, to respond to your needs as quickly as possible.
Use the resources below to find emergency phone numbers for various insurers and information on how to file Alberta accident claims and property claims 24/7, as well as other tools and information.

To report a non-emergency claim using our online form, click the button below:
You can also contact your broker during business hours to report your claim.
First Steps After A Car Accident
1. Protect yourself
Your safety is number one; make sure that you and your family are out of harm’s way before worrying about your property.
- If anyone’s injured, call 911 right away.
- Assess the situation and your surroundings, and be alert for anything that can cause you injury.
- Move the cars off of the road – but only if it’s safe to do so.
Avoid discussing who is at fault for the crash.
2. Get Details
Take pictures with a cellphone or camera if you have one handy. Record the following information for all vehicles and drivers involved in the crash:
- Driver’s name, driver license number, phone numbers and address.
- License plate number as well as the year, make and model of the vehicle.
- Insurance company name and policy number.
- Witness contact information
- Photos of any damage
Information like this will help substantiate your claim.
3. Report the accident to police (if applicable)
If the combined damage to all vehicles involved appears to exceed $2,000, it is mandatory to report the accident to a police station at your earliest convenience. While the accident is fresh in your mind, make sure to write down details of the crash scene (if possible, take photos or draw a diagram):
- What was the time, date and weather conditions?
- What was the exact location of the crash?
- What direction were you both traveling?
- Where was your vehicle and what lane were you using?
- Where was the other vehicle?
4. Contact your agent or broker. Here are some good questions to ask:
- Is the type of damage you’ve suffered covered under the terms of your policy?
- How long do you have to file a notice of claim?
- Do you need to file a police report?
- What is the deductible on your policy for the type of loss that has occurred? (The deductible is the amount of loss you must pay before insurance kicks in)
- How long will it take to process the claim?
- Will you need to get estimates for repairs?
5. Make temporary repairs: Take reasonable steps to protect your property from further damage. Temporary repairs to prevent further loss are often covered as part of insurance settlements, so remember to save receipts. Be careful, however – only do what is necessary to prevent further loss and try not to make extensive permanent repairs until an adjuster or appraiser has assessed the damage.
Even a minor fender bender can be an emotional experience, but your claims process shouldn’t be. Learn more about how our partners are there for you when you need us most.